Do you realize that we have been wandering happily through our lives completely ignorant of the fact that pan-dimensional beings on every plane of existence are snickering up their sleeves at us*? How embarrassing, not to know the name of our own universe.
I am going to do Human-kind a favour. I am going to name the universe. Traditionally the person credited with the discovery of something new is honoured to give that thing it's name; the name which will define it for all eternity. Clearly I am not the discoverer of the universe but I think I am the first to realize no one has named it yet. So. I recognize this universe in which we live to be unique and distinct from all other universes and hereby proclaim it's name to be Becky.
I assure you that I have done us all a great service. Spread the word. You're new address is:
Planet Earth, 3rd Rock
Milky Way
*Or pant legs, frimpts, bloogle suits or other article of clothing suitable for snickering up.