The thunder storm we were threatened with today did not arrive. I would have welcomed it, it's too quiet here. It stayed dreary anyways, not a nice day to be out and so it's endless cups of tea and a chance to make a dent in the thick stack of books by the window. I'm avoiding several important adult things at the moment but I'm doing laundry so that makes it all better.
Our new neighbourhood is calm to point of sedation but we are starting to learn it's rhythm. The retirees to the east of us are travellers, they fly everywhere looking for warm sun and gin. No pets. Grown children. She takes an early fitness class in the city. He tinkers with his snow blower, even on rainy days like today.
The family straight across has a pair of fluffy Goldens and a low fence, perfect for meetings and sniffs. Meeker is not amused by their grins, or their freedom to romp while he sits, tied to the house in our front yard-with-no-fence. There may be repercussions in the summer. Meeker keeps score.
The neighbour to the west of us is quiet. She is shy, or busy, and we haven't had a chance for the Polite Halloo. We understand shy. We won't push.
A neighbourhood dog named Gunner, who is yellow and sweet and follows walkers in the hopes of pats or cookies, found Husband to be an easy mark. He followed along until his "sweet stray in search of love" ploy was shattered by a helpful soul up the street, who shooed him by name and shamed him home. Next time, buddy. Next time. We'll bring bacon.
I confess I find the peace here a bit smothering. This idyll we've discovered is comforting, like a blanket. A thick blanket that fights back in the night and grows tentacles in your nightmares, to pin you down and throttle your soul...
I suppose I just mean that I have grown used to the bustle and noise of a city. Many cities. Peace is taking some getting used to, and I still rely on the radio to help me tune out the silence on the street. I didn't think I would miss traffic, blaring car stereos, sirens, air brakes, jet planes, helicopters, street sweepers, Snow Birds, car horns, construction, back-up signals, alarms, sidewalk plows, fire stations, and the occasional domestic disturbance, but I really do.