In an effort to follow the age-old advice, "write what you know", my contribution to the world's greatest works of literature will be about...
- only ever successfully baking muffins on the second go
- songbirds of North America
- Lev Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development
- obscure crochet abbreviations
- insomnia
- the complete works of Douglas Adams and Sir Terry Pratchett
- the theory of evolution
- edible plants and fungi of coastal British Columbia
- the first four chapters of my physics textbook because I have to keep re-reading the damn thing
- passive aggression
- wilderness survival camping and why it's not nearly as much fun as staying in even the crappiest of sketchy motels
- moving house
- Doctor Who, beginning at Series Nine ( never skip Nine)
- a random smattering of historical facts and minutiae, WITHOUT the help of Google, thankyouverymcuh
- functionally dysfunctional families
- cheese
Mary Shelley, eat your heart out.