Friday, August 31, 2018

There's Also Isospin, Strangeness, Topness and Charm

Making advanced bookings for a road trip is like calling a paint-by-number poster a master piece. Sure, it looks fine but it has no soul, and you usually run out of Phthalo Blue long before the sky is done, which means another trip to the craft store and spending more time than is probably healthy rearranging the papier mache letters on the shelves to spell out all the flavours of quarks, and giggling when you get to "bottom".

We leave tomorrow, for an unexpected road trip that hopefully will result in at least one day of surfing. I don't know where we will be staying but Husband keeps saying things like, "Bah! We'll figure it out!" and "La Parc Provincial du Walmart Parking Lot."


Friday, August 17, 2018


Sometimes a writer will use a throwaway line to keep the attention of their audience. It can be a one-liner, something glib with no connection to the immediate plot; or it can be a set up for a much larger story that will pull the twisted pathways of anecdote straight again. And sometimes it's just used as a tension release, like when the Customs agent finally locates your vibrator in your luggage and turns it off.