I'm settling in. Getting a feel for the local lingo. Avoiding the buffalo wings because there is an unusual amount of oil money splashing around and combine that with the very literal sense of local humour, I wouldn't put it past the R&D department at Esso to completely screw with me.
I am enjoying being screwed with in other ways, though. Yesterday I found a local thrift store, it was easy to spot due to the giant sandwich board out on the sidewalk with an arrow declaring "THRIFT STORE!" on it. The big, welcoming and, above all, open door was another clue. I love me some thrift store so I wandered in and was promptly told to git.
"We're closed."
"Didn't you see the sign?"
"I thought I had but now I'm not so sure."
"We're closed. Read the sign."
Re-reading the giant red plastic arrow the size of the Volvo windshield, "Sooooo... you're not... a thrift store?"
"Not that sign. The other sign."
"The other sign," sighing and pointing to a small handwritten note on the inside of the wide open door. The sign reads "Sorry. We're Closed."
"Ah, that sign. I am sorry I missed it, your arrow confused me a little."
"Well, we're closed," conveying by way of another deeply put-upon sigh that there was some considerable doubt as to the fact that it was simply the arrow which was the source of my confusion and that I was clearly insane and it was only through a certain amount of charitable prairie goodwill that I was not being lead away in handcuffs for what was rapidly turning out to be a suspected B&E by a crazy person. It really was rather eloquent.
"I think I understand. I'll just be going. Would you like me to pull this big, wide open door shut behind me?"
"No, the owner thinks it's more friendly if we keep it open."
I think I'm going to like it here.