Husband's Hierarchy of Swears (ominous thunder)
From the bottom up we have:
"Dammit" - This is a DEFCON 4 situation. Something has disturbed the zen master in his practice of the subtle art of trying to fix stuff/leave the house/find a tool.
Action: Spouse and canines may choose to ignore or investigate without risk of stepping on debris.
"Oh for f*ck sakes" - DEFCON 3, examples of which include things which beep, bounce back or "are stupid". May easily become a DEFCON 2 if the volume is anything above what one might use to call their loved one for dinner.
Action: Canines mobilized for retreat to sub-couch territory in less that 15 seconds. Spouse continues with normal activities, locates first aid kid in readiness.
"You stupid (a word which, being a lady, I have never used. Ever. Rhymes with stunt.)" - Here we find ourselves at DEFCON 2. Something has catastrophically failed/exploded/jammed or remained lost despite desperate searching.
Action: Everyone is under the couch at this point, enjoying a quiet read and giving the dust bunnies names and a back story.
"(Yosemite Sam-style regression into garbled snarling)" - Here at DEFCON 1 it is most likely that whatever broke, bounced back or took too long to be found is now either scattered in a million pieces across the driveway or flushed down the toilet.
Action: Move the couch across the road and set up camp until the mushroom cloud dissipates. See also: The iPhone Incident
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