Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bingeing and Splurging

I've learned a new phrase recently: binge-watching.  If you binge-watch something apparently that is not the same as having an -athon. 'Was a time, in days past, having an -athon meant calling over your best buddies, chopping up some crudites (pronounced "croo-dit-eh", it's French for "I forgot to get stuff for chicken wings") and, in the most refined and genteel manner, discussing every nuance in every scene of all three original Star Wars movies. You might even speak along with your favourite parts or assign characters. There could be costumes. It's an event. And perfectly normal.

No. Binge-watching is, it has been pointed out, something else altogether. It refers to the rather more recent habit of watching umpteen consecutive episodes of a program without cease or personal hygiene. Or, to put it a slightly different way, binge-watching is what happens while Husband is off being heroic and I am left on my own in a frozen province with a family pack of [Name Brand] macaroni and cheese, a fluffy blanket, Netflix and a wonderful, raggedy man called Doctor Who. 

Or Mal. Or Merlin. Or all of the Star Trek captains. Or, once and I am not proud of it, the bald guy from Pawn Stars.

I can watch them all? At once? With no interruptions? Or commercials? Or showers? Yes please. Ahem. I mean, why honey, it's been just dreadful with you gone. What have I been doing with my time? Oh, nothing much. Literally literally.