Friday, May 9, 2014

She's Right Behind Me, Isn't She?

Mother's Day #1

I just ran across a list of things I had jotted down that my mother-in-law has said to me which make me fairly certain she's messing with me...

  1. In reference to the fact that Husband can and has leveled small cities to the bedrock in a fit of pique. "He gets his temper from me."
  2. After listening to my diatribe on Oprah, her books and her book club. "You should read Nicolas Sparks. He's great."
  3. On our wedding day. "Welcome to the family."
This list is meant in no means to indicate that Mother-In Law is anything other than a saintly lady and I am not just saying that because she is standing behind me holding a frying pan.
"I know where you sleep."
For Alexina, who is a lovely and loving mother-in-law, and who has almost certainly never threatened me from behind with a cooking utensil. I happen to know that when she means it, she'll make certain I am facing her.