There are many things which Husband and I do well together, which is rather the point, really. I mean, he is Husband, after all and not Strangely Chatty Bus Stranger. Of course there are some things we should probably not do together anymore, for the sake of the marriage and Meeker's delicate sensibilities. I'm referring of course to moving the sectional, which might actually go better if we just hired two strangers off the bus to do it next time.
My point is that Husband and I have figured out what works, and what works the best is long car trips. It is always our favourite adventure. We walk the dogs in farmer's fields. We stop for picnic lunches and games of fetch. We sing. We take turns driving while the other plays the ukulele. We burp the alphabet and play Bull Moose and One Up. We watch the sunrise in our rear-view and count the lonely geese who flew north a month too soon. I cry when I see buffalo and Husband always, always lets me have first nap.
We are fortunate to live in an incredibly huge, beautiful, diverse, vast, glorious, enormous, fascinating, really big country and are doubly blessed by living smack in the middle of it at this current time. This means if we want to go almost anywhere else in Canada we are, to choose a random sample, pretty much equidistant from all surfable coasts as well as the closest Noodle Box and St. Hubert's.
Oh, and family. Obviously.
Husband and I drove 14 hours to Calgary last weekend to visit Mother-In-Law, who was as delightful as ever, even though I think she may be on to the fact that we play You People with her. Calgary, like all great cities in Canada, has lots to recommend itself, parks, trails, sights, a little tower thingie that's not quite as impressive as The Official Canadian Tower Thingie but is really sweet, all the same. It has weird little movie theatres in the university district, and a train that runs the length of the city. By prairie standards, there is slightly less sketchy sushi and also slightly sketchier sushi, if that's what you're into. It has everything, really. As destinations go, it's as good as any you could hope for and it still wasn't the best part of the trip.
The best part, after Mother-In-Law's hugs and tea, was the 28 hours of round trip road time, complete with plans for the next one and new Prairie Edition rules for One Up. Many people prefer plane rides to exotic locations like Thailand or Minnesota, but with so much country to see, I can't understand why anyone would ever chose France over The World's Largest Things Tour of the Trans-Canada Highway, while Husband sings Foo Fighters with uke accompaniment.
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