Friday, July 1, 2016


Let me give you a hint...

I am polite to a fault, unless you cut in line, whereupon I may harrumph, quietly, until you make eye contact, and then I will say absolutely nothing at all.
I like camping, even in the rain. In fact, if it doesn't rain while I'm camping, I'll have to invent some other reason why my camping trip was so totally epic despite hardship and the nearly insurmountable disinterest on the part of my listeners.
I am not really all that fond of Tim Horton's coffee, but I will defend it to the death if I hear any one else slagging off about it.
I know how to pair the appropriate beer with every occasion. Christmas? Have a chocolate stout, with my compliments. Just mowed the lawn? You'll need a crisp, fruity ale. Friends coming over? Better pick up a taster double pack from your favourite micro-brewery. Annoying coworkers dropping by? Anything produced by the Budweiser Company. 
I can light a bonfire, a barbecue and a firework, occasionally from the same cigar. 
I will brave muskeg and mosquitoes to watch the Northern Lights from the roof of my van.
I really, really like to talk about the weather.
I like to think of myself as environmentally conscious, although I could probably put in a bit more effort to live in a more reasonable sized home, choose a more fuel efficient vehicle, or take a shower that lasts less than the usual 5+ minutes. 
I like to laugh, often at my neighbors but mostly at myself.
I pay more for wifi, fuel, hydro and lumber than nearly any one, but less for health care than a whole lot more.
I sleep safely in my town, without fear for tomorrow.
I can love whomever I choose.
There is very little that moves me to aggression, but compassion will often drive me to stand in defense of the smaller person with arms crossed and eyes hard.
I am not perfect. Mistakes do get made. 
I will say sorry and work hard to make it right. 

I am Canadian. I am strong. I am free.

Happy Canada Day, everyone.

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