Monday, October 10, 2016

Domestic Bubbles Burst

It's just the two of us for Thanksgiving this year, Husband and I. Normally we would have a house full of folks too far from their home province for a quick weekend trip, or we would be invading someone else's house for heaps of turkey and endless board games. 

This year we are keeping it simple. I mean, relatively simple. I had suggested a simple picnic and some turkey subs from Subway but this was obviously too simple and resulted in a Look. So this year, we're simply having a simple meal for two, consisting quite simply of turkey with citrus and cranberry dressing, gravy, creamy mashed potatoes, roasted turnip and sweet potatoes, fresh corn, peas, maple-glazed carrots, Brussels sprouts sauted with bacon and almonds, honey slaw, and pumpkin pie with fresh cream for dessert.

So simple even I can do it.

Division of labour is determined by skill set. I will do all of the cooking because I am very good at not getting distracted by shiny things or politics or accidentally constructing a wing suit instead of not burning the house down. Husband will do all of the clean up because I am doing all of the shopping and prep and cooking. On a sunny day off. In the Fall. Indoors. Nowhere near my canoe. 

It occurs to me as I write this that while I was out buying all of the simple ingredients for our simple dinner and not, as it were, selecting a cute gingham table cloth and a bottle of wine for the romantic Fall picnic of my dreams, that I may have forgotten to purchase dish soap, which we are now simply out of. 

I suddenly seem to be incapable of peeling even an apple without using four pans and a muffin tin.

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