Thank you.
It's been a wonderfully smooth ride to get here. Folks have asked us how we do it, how we stay happy and in love, and we will usually give them one of the following tips:
- Plan time apart.
- Dirty laundry, dishes, floors, pets, yards or vehicles are not sufficient reasons to fight if the reasons those things are dirty are because we were busy having fun.
- Angry Birds is not an appropriate bedroom game.
- If it's important enough to distract one of us from leaving on time then it's important, end of sentence.
- Say thank you.
- Go on a date every day. Little ones like dogs walks or trips to get fancy coffees. Basically any excuse to make out in public.
- Make out in public.
- Laugh together, never at each other.
- Play.
- Farts don't have any volume or odor. Period.
For Husband, the brightest star in my sky, the cinnamon on my toast, the raisins in my butter tarts.