Saturday, April 27, 2013

Those Aren't Raisins

It seems the family living here before us made the decision to sell rather hastily. That is the only explanation I can offer for the following list of things I have discovered on our lawn, revealed slowly, item by item, as the snow melts. It's like the Easter Bunny hosted an orgy. And invited incontinent pit pulls.
"Put the kegs on the table next to the giant pile of paint cans and Doritos."

Thus far, we have discovered...

  • one office chair, missing a seat
  • two metal storage units
  • two paint cans, colours not found within the house
  • 15 beer bottles, Bud Lite (how common)
  • 1 beer bottle, Cariboo Genuine Draft (this guy probably didn't get invited back)
  • 2 empty vodka bottles
  • half a dozen McDonald's Super Size beverage cups
  • a left glove
  • nine pieces of stove wood (front yard)
  • a stone fire pit (back yard)
  • two lawn chairs, broken
  • one deck chair, ugly
  • one dog house, floor chewed out
  • a variety of gum and candy bar wrappers
  • 3 metric tonnes of dog 'doings'
  • a charming planter box containing last year's petunias and a deer skull
...and the snow isn't gone yet.