This weekend, because I love him, because it's funny to confuse the cat, because we were pretty bored but mostly because it's good to flex the marriage muscles every few weeks, Husband and I ... moved The Sectional. Four times.
That is not a euphemism for anything fun, in any way, whatsoever.
You see, we've decided to stay in this PMQ. The real estate market being what it is (crazy) and we being what we are (lazy), it just seems to make sense. But how to arrange it?
Side bar: Why are they called PMQs? It's not even a proper acronym... Pimmmmmku. It sounds like someone trying to whistle with a mouth full of caramel. Also, I heard recently they were re-designated RHUs or ''Rrrhuhs", which sound is similar to the one I make when I pull on my Spanx. Neither noise is one that springs to mind when I gaze upon our little house on the prairie, our cozy home for two, our Small Homey Economical Dwelling.
Anyway, we have decided to stay and are now trying to decide how to live in it. This is no big challenge. Ha. After all, Husband and I lived quite sparsely in our great rambling home in Comox, with 4 empty rooms and a whole drawer in the kitchen dedicated to my collection of three (3) linen tea towels from England. Shove all of that into what the Canadian Forces has decided to call a house and suddenly we have the perfect amount of beds, sofas, even tea towels, to fill it. As long as it is carefully arranged. And nothing dents the ceiling, potentially releasing a cloud of 60 year old asbestos into our lungs.
We did well. With minimal swearing and only one potential broken foot later, the place actually looks pretty good. The Sectional had to be moved in order to make room for the dining room table. The dining room table had to be moved to make way for the sitting room. The sitting room is where the last of Husband's bachelor furniture has gone to die. He doesn't know this, bless him. He thinks it's great fun to have two living rooms, one up and one down. I think it's great fun to have furniture that does not appear to move on it's own.
We'll just keep this our little secret, shall we? If he catches on that broken foot will have been in vain and if we move The Sectional again, we won't be able to hide the hole in the wall.
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