Friday, November 27, 2015

On Fridays We Wear Pants

Friday Friday
Thou funkiest of days.
When dark wash denims and inoffensive graphic ts, paired with a chic little jacket and maybe a chunky choker,
And sassy flats in a bright colour to accent,
Unless it's all about the boots and tights,
Which are not pants,
And so should not be worn as pants,
Make the workplace more interesting,
In a thoroughly business-like
And absolutely politically correct

Monday, November 16, 2015

On A Sunny Sunday... might
  • ride bikes
  • find a new bench upon which to smear peanut butter
  • walk dogs
  • chase Meeker
  • snoop in bookstores
  • visit friends
  • nearly obliterate a K-Model BMW, two brand new Kias, a pair of adorable dachshunds, and one elderly rottweiler under 400 lbs of steel belt all season radial rubber, one wine rack, some cedar planking and a wheel barrow
  • knit

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Big Book of Manitoba

Chapter One:
Prairie Virtues

Manitobans are a practical lot. They have a solid grasp on reality and will not allow it to be shaken by silly emotions like optimism or exuberance. *see also "Dailing back the happy, being asked to."*

Which is not say Manitobans are strangers to joy; attend a Jets game, if you doubt me. 

Typically, this practical nature is expressed in one of several ways. In rural areas, if you don't sow, you don't reap. Biblical metaphors aside, that's about as practical as it gets, and I fully support it on account of really enjoying food, and not dying of starvation. 

In the city, this straightforward perspective on Life, the Universe and Everything is still in evidence: if you don't jam the nose of your car into the tiny gap between vehicles in the next lane, some other bugger will, and your virility will suffer a set back such that any remaining ability to produce healthy young you may have possessed, dissipates as quickly as exhaust on an autumn wind.  

Practical. Sensible. Easy to understand.