The trucks are loud and large and fast,
The lake is certainly cold.
The sun shines five days of the week,
But not for long, I'm told.
There is plenty of view, though not much in it
The horizon is certainly far.
You can see Tuesday from a long way off
And there isn't a decent bar.
The folks are friendly, except when they're not.
For the most part though, it's nice.
I'm told I'm seeing the town at it's best,
i.e. not coated in ice.
I don't miss the rain, and the ground is solid
And stable beneath my feet.
I do miss my friends but I'll make some here
(Though Neighbour Lady and I've yet to meet.)
There are nights when the sky is on fire with colour
And days when the wind sounds like waves.
There are Saskatoon berries growing wild by the road
And a fun local drunk name of Dave.
I think I'll enjoy my time on the prairie,
I can certainly see the appeal.
Unless I can't find a good sushi place soon,
Then I'm afraid there's no deal.